Insecure website? Expired certificate? Phishing website? Wanami clearly identifies when something seems wrong.
Wanami determines who owns the website and shows their logo and detailed infromation.
Virtually scan MFA QR Codes and store TOTP/HOTP codes right in the browser. Simpler than Google Authenticator, safer than SMS.
Shortens the URL to the domain name. Expands the URL when selected or copied.
Prevent access to the web browser and encrypt sensitive information.
HTTPS. HTTP. What do they mean? Select from "Secure" or "Legacy" instead.
'Wahoo' + 'Namaste' = 'Wanami'. Wahoo is a fish best known for its speed, quality and challenge to catch. Namaste is a salute of respect and commonly used in yoga practice. Wanami is perfect name for a peaceful anti-phishing web browser!
Wanami was created as part of a Master's in Cybersecurity capstone project by Stephen Mendez in Q4 2020.
Despite industry wide technological advancements, the web browser experience has remained traditionally stagnant. Wanami is a proof of concept web browser created to drive industry conversation and consideration around some of its main features for delivering a safer browser experience for all.
By proactively providing clear information to the end user, such as which company owns a website, the goal is to drive a human centric approach to malicious website detection.
This was done in order to imagine a new browsing experience without placing any bounds on the design and implementation.
This project is considered alpha level, open-source software and is not distributed nor recommended for general use.
Yes, the code is available for research and development under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.